Haunted houses of Moscow

Cat Behemoth from Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita, a charming lady, a luxurious limousine...

Haunted houses of Moscow

Moscow is not only history, Kremlin, vodka and cute matryoshka dolls. There’s a lot of intrigue and mystery on every corner.

A dozen famous ghosts supposedly live in Moscow, not counting the hundreds of little-known ones. Among them are the Black Monk, Beria's limousine, the Cat Behemoth, Ivan the Terrible, the Ghost Train and many others.

Right in the city center you can see old mansions inhabited by ghosts. Also, you can walk around some famous temples that hold deep secrets of the past and take a journey through the special places of the capital, enveloped by ancient legends and mysteries.

Some haunted houses in Moscow:
The Pushkin Theater and The House Museum of Mariya Nikolayevna Yermolova in Tverskoy Boulevard; Madam Kreshkina's House in Tverskoy Boulevard; Ryabushinsky House (Gorky Museum) in Malaya Nikitskaya Street; The House on the Embankment in Serafimovicha Street; The House of Savva Morozov (Reception House of the Russian Foreign Ministry) in Spiridonovka Street; Patriarch Ponds, Bulgakov’s Memorial Apt. in Bolshaya Sadovaya Street.

  • Haunted houses of Moscow
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